Attention Parents Of Stuck At Home, Bored Children…

Normal Holiday Program? I Think NOT!  Well…Not this year! However, No Need For That Grinchy, Bah Humbug Coivd To Steal Your Holiday Season!  Join Us On FaceBook Live For Our FREE Mini-Holiday Show! It’s Free BUT – You Must Register So We Can Send You The Details & ShowTimes!

Mark Mysterrio here. You may or may not know me, so, please allow me to take a brief second to introduce myself. I am a professional magician and World Record Holder who creates magical programs for children that are so fun and exciting they often become the talk of the town.  Along with my assistant, Miss Direction, we combine clean comedy magic, audience participation, and fun to create an in house field trip experience that will be remembered.  

Here Is What We Have In Store For You

Because It Supposed To Be The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!

Let’s face it, We all know that the holiday season can be a stressful time of the year during normal years…and NOW we have a Covid emergency.

Even during a pandemic, the children are excited and eager to do something. Our Holiday Show is going online this year.

YEP, you will be able to see the whole show right from your own home.

However, we don’t want to promote our holiday show – We want to give back to the community by doing a number of FREE FaceBook Lives on our FaceBook. 

These events on FaceBook Are FREE for everyone. To get the most out of them, we encourage you to register. This will allow us to send you valuable bonus gifts, show times and important announcements. 















Register And Tell Us Where To Send Your Gifts

13 + 9 =

Mark Mysterrio’s Magical Holiday Seasonal Spectacular Promo Video.